Saturday, December 17, 2011

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DAVID GUETTA MEMORIES featuring Kid Cudi. CC HD 1080p Version with Captions (Lyrics) in all languages. Extended version (5min42s). IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE FACT THE VIDEO DOESN'T SYNC WITH THE MUSIC, USE THIS OTHER VIDEO LINK : ActivePigeon : Does it matter. It's the song that counts. Memories "in short" : KARAOKE VERSION ! : The version of this music is 5.42 long compared to 3.28 length of original version (2min14s more longer) or to the extended version 5.20 long. David Guetta feat Kid Cudi - Memories (Official videoclip) : David Guetta - Memories - Behind the Scenes feat. Kid Cudi (18+ only) : David Guetta - Memories - Behind the Scenes feat. Kid Cudi (CLEAN version) : Turning on the captions : They are automaticly turned on, depending on your current YouTube language page. Languages accepted automaticly : English, French, Italian, German, Spanish. It's possible that YouTube can not translate any of these accepted languages on an another language (still, it's a beta feature so it's why it does have bugs...). Changing captions language : At the bottom right of the video, put your mouse over it, then click the small arrow on the first box, and click on the language you want (5 languages available). For a direct translation in any language, use the English captions then click on the translator in CC part (may fail due to being a beta test yet). Removing captions : Click on the CC ...

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How To Know If You Love Someone? 3 Stunning Ways You Can't Afford To Miss

!: How To Know If You Love Someone? 3 Stunning Ways You Can't Afford To Miss

So are you in love or not? Is this the question you keep asking yourself on a constant basis? Does it bug you all day and night? You see often we think that we might or might not be in love but are not sure. Sometimes it's not love but mere attraction towards a certain individual. Love is always a deeper emotion and goes beyond the initial attraction we feel towards an individual. Therefore how can one find out whether he or she is truly in love or not? Read on to discover some of the most mind blowing ways using which you will find out whether you are truly in love or not......

Are you confused?- Often when you get a gut feeling that you might or might not be in love then it is definitely not love. Remember that when it comes to love a maybe means no. And if you are not able to decide and are having a strong gut feeling of maybe then it's not love rather it is attraction.

Think about the long term- Ask yourself whether you can stay with this person in the long term. Often when you get a mixed feeling then it's definitely not love because love is an emotion which can survive in the long term. You will never have mixed feelings about a person if you truly love him or her. You will always feel the definite yes.

Are you willing to commit and sacrifice? - This is a big determinant of love. You see if you truly love someone you would be more than willing to commit and sacrifice for the relationship. You will be willing to make the necessary adjustments with your life just to be with the person you love. Again if you get doubtful thoughts when you think about commitment then the love isn't strong enough.

How To Know If You Love Someone? 3 Stunning Ways You Can't Afford To Miss

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Love Languages Explained Simply

!: The Love Languages Explained Simply

There's a good chance that if your love is missing the mark in an important relationship (even slightly) you're not 'speaking' the right love language in that relationship. It's a good thing to get in tune with your important relationships by attending to each of these ways of expressing your love, and receiving love gracefully.

Encouraging Words

People who prefer to love and be loved with encouragement will wonder why their encouragement doesn't inspire everyone. It's a surprise to these people that not everyone wants (or needs) to be encouraged. 

People with a strong bent for affirmation will appreciate honesty, but not brutal honesty. They're easily hurt by unfair or flippant criticism and these people are also quite perceptive of the moods and feelings of others. 

Don't waste your gifts on these people; a genuine thanks and the occasional public recognition are pretty much all the reward people strong in this language need.

Acts of Service (helping)

Actions speak louder than words for people speaking this love language. These people love to help; in fact, they cannot help offering and may even become offended if that offer is refused. 

They also often love to receive help. Even the thought that someone is thinking of helping this person will mean they'll feel good, loved and cared for. Favours (both ways) are the key currency here. 

They expect people to simply start helping whenever there's work to do and may even get frustrated when people wait to be asked, or don't show an instinctive desire to help.

Gift-giving (and receiving)

The uninitiated might think that the 'gift-givers' are either very generous or very materialistic; the truth is no such aspersion can be made. They simply like to give or receive spontaneity. Love is spontaneous, there's no question about it. 

Freebies, important dates, trinkets, mementos and keepsakes put spice into the lives of people with a strong preference for gift-giving and receiving.

Gift-givers and receivers are possibly the most joyous people because they'll often think creatively about surprising people with their love; equally, they're often more 'surprisable' than most others.

Quality Time

For these, it's not good enough to just be together with their special person, they need to be the focus of the time.  It's about "undivided attention."[1]

These people are generally 'people' persons. They need to be involved and having valuable friendships, where there is an emphasis on talking, is very enriching. Togetherness and quality conversation are premium commodities for those yearning this type of love.

Dr. Chapman remarks in his book that this language is also responsible for those loving memories of courting, dating and burgeoning friendships that we all like to reminisce upon.[2]

Touch (or closeness of contact)

A close personal space and playful nudges, pats and hugs are the norm here. These people are suckers for a good massage, and they love a timely hug or just to rub shoulders with people, particularly from the special ones in their life. 

Giving someone the cold shoulder (in a physical way) that has physical touch as a preferred love language can be very hurtful to them. They also appreciate eye contact and especially take note of the body language of those who they interact with. 

Smiles, and other affirmative gestures, are given by and work well with those who appreciate physical touch.

Combining the Love Languages

It is most common that people prefer two or perhaps three of these languages, or ways of loving and being loved. And we all have at least a mild preference for all of the love languages in any event.

It's also a very good idea to know our own love language preferences so we can be all-the-more self-aware. It's then a potential platform for working on those languages that don't come naturally. 

We should be adept at giving (and receiving) in all five ways because it's a good basic way to love all people. It'll also really help us understand where others are coming from.

When all is said and done, love is choice and it can make all the difference, and it can work even when we're prepared to abandon a relationship. "Love never fails," said Paul, referring to everything else failing before it i.e. love.[3]

If you're ready to learn your love languages and courageous enough to ask another person theirs, you could benefit by doing, or using, this survey:

Copyright © 2009, S. J. Wickham.  All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 

[1] Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate (Chicago, Illinois: Northfield Publishing, 1992, 1995), p. 55.
[2] Chapman, Ibid, p. 71.
[3] See 1 Corinthians 13:8.

The Love Languages Explained Simply

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Five Love Languages Faux Leather Bound Journal and Paperback Book Set ( Exclusive)

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Post Date : Nov 10, 2011 13:27:44 | N/A

For years The Five Love Languages has been enriching, strengthening, and saving marriages. A person gives and receives love in five basic ways. If you aren't speaking your partner's love language, he or she likely isn't feeling loved. Never fear! You CAN learn a new language! In addition, now the Five Love Languages Journal will assist you in journaling your heartfelt feelings and sticking to those best intentions. The leather-look cover is stately enough to take with you anywhere, anytime. Each section of the journal corresponds to a chapter in the best-selling book by Gary Chapman, followed by an inspiring quote, thought-provoking questions, and plenty of space to record your thoughts.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Eye Body Language of Love - How to Express Your Love With Eye Body Language Signs

!: Eye Body Language of Love - How to Express Your Love With Eye Body Language Signs

Do you believe in love at first sight? Maybe you do. Maybe you don't. But you have to believe in the eye body language of love. The eyes have the power to reveal almost anything. If you know how to read and use them correctly, you could apply this knowledge to your advantage and up your game a little bit.

Knowing about the eye body language of love also allows you to express yourself in ways that are more creative. Let another person know how much you like him or her through your eyes.

Eye Body Language Sign Of Love # 1: Maintaining Eye Contact

Showing a special interest in another person is the first step to getting what you want. Lock your eyes with that of the other person's and hold them for a few seconds. Smile and keep your eyes focused. Don't stare; and more importantly, don't glare!

Eye Body Language Sign Of Love # 2: Reducing Eye Contact

This might sound contrary to the first tip, but reducing eye contact could be helpful in some cases... depending on the other person's qualities.

Not everyone is confident enough to maintain eye contact. Some people are too shy to look at a person's eyes directly so they will look at their hands, their shoes or anywhere else, except directly at you. You have to learn how to pick up these subtle signals.

Is the person a bit red in the face, nervous and maybe even babbling? If you're dealing with a shy type, chances are that that person is very interested but very embarrassed as well.

Eye Body Language Sign Of Love # 3: Winking

Of course, there's something for the confident, the shy type and the super confident. Winking is one of the most obvious ways of showing interest in another person. Anyone with a great deal of confidence can pull this off.

If you're not really a winker, I suggest you practice in front of the mirror. Remember to wink with a smile.

These are the three common signs of the eye body language of love. You can observe these signals or use them to advance your own interests! Whatever you choose to do, keep in mind that the eyes are more expressive than words.

Eye Body Language of Love - How to Express Your Love With Eye Body Language Signs

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Friday, October 21, 2011

aUI: The Language of Space- Pentecostal Logos of Love & Peace

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Post Date : Oct 22, 2011 04:39:42 | N/A

A textbook for learning a uniquely created language based on proposed universal basic elements of meaning, each of which have an iconic symbol, and which are combined to compose miniature definitions of essential meaning. There is both an iconic and a one-to-one relationship between morphemes, phonemes, and sememes. A 3000 word aUI-English/English-aUI dictionary is found at the back of the book, following translations of several well-known works.

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Let Them Know You Care - The Five Love Languages

When showing love to our family, we do fun stuff with them, and share ideas and listen to them. Especially when we are busy, it is hard to make sure that others know we love them. Do you ever feel like the flowers you bought for your wife or the brief but kind words you spoke to son did not quite meet some need they had? That something more was needed to connect you? It might be that you are missing the concept of the five love languages. When you are not speaking in a family member's love language, they do not feel loved as much by you as when you are telling them you love them in a way that is truly meaningful to them.

Words of affirmation. These people need to hear verbally that you love them and care about them. They also want to hear that you like the way the completed a task this morning, are proud of their work in school or their job. Also be sure to tell them when you like the shirt he or she is wearing, or you like their new hair do. Say a positive, uplifting statement to words of affirmation members every day.

5 Love Languages

Gift people. A person whose love language is gifts loves to be surprised by a gift at any time of the day. They like little presents and big ones. It does not need to be a special occasion: gift people love presents given for no particular reason (except to show your love, of course!) Some gift loving people like fancy wrappings and ribbons, for others, the gift in a plastic bag is just fine.

Let Them Know You Care - The Five Love Languages

Quality time people. As time is our most important asset, it only makes sense that we can display our love towards our family by giving them our time. The single most important thing to quality time people is that you listen to them. Simply take the time to listen intently and sincerely when they are speaking. You should also spend time doing activities the other person enjoys: golfing, fishing, shopping, or whatever else is fun to them.

Touch people. People whose love language is touch always want to be hugged when you greet them. Children always want to hold your hand, even when they are getting older, and often like to be held or rocked before bedtime. They appreciate a spouse scratching their back or rubbing their feet.

Acts of service people. If a person's love language is acts of service, they will want you to mow the grass, help clean up the house, fix the closet door, make lunch for them, or sew on a button. Any small act like this can be done on a daily basis to make sure these people know you love them.

Find your family's respective love languages, and show them you care!

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Friday, March 25, 2011

The Five Love Languages Summary

Just as everyone has different personalities and likes and dislikes, people also have different love languages. Your love language is the way that you most feel loved and cared for. Experts have aranged these 5 love languages into five easy to use categories:

The first love language is words of affirmation. If this is your love language, you feel most cared for when your spouse or anyone tells you how wonderful they think you are. It could be verbally or through a written note or another creative way of sharing all the great qualities you possess and all the ways the world is a better place because you are in it.

5 Love Languages

Another way you might feel loved it through acts of service. If someone taking your car to get detailed or taking over diaper duty for the day or relieving you of some daunting task really hits home with you, then this might be your love language.

The Five Love Languages Summary

The next area is affection. A hug, kiss, snuggle on the couch or sexual intimacy might be the way you feel most loved if your language is affection. It could be sexual or non-sexual, but physical touch is very important to you.

Quality time could also be your love language. Just being with your spouse, whether it's on some adventure or a fancy date or simply sitting the couch, may be the thing that fills you up the most.

The last of the five love languages is gifts. Everyone enjoys getting a gift, but if the receiving something from your spouse lights your fire the most then this might be your love language. It may not even be the gift itself, but the idea of the thought, the time it took and the knowledge your spouse has of you to pick out such a great gift - that completely fills you up!

One thing to be aware of: you tend to love in the way you desire to be loved. So make sure you find out what your spouse's love language is and seek to be creative and intentional in their love language. Happy language lessons!

The Five Love Languages SummaryThe five Love Languages Tube. Duration : 1.55 Mins.

If you and your spouse speak the same language? While love is a wonderful thing, sometimes it's a very confusing thing, too. And as people in all varieties, shapes and sizes to do so, their decisions on the expressions of personal love. But most of the time, press the transmitter and receiver in two different kinds of love. This can lead to misunderstandings, disputes and even divorce. Dr. Gary Chapman identifies five basic languages ​​of love and couples leads to a betterUnderstanding of their unique language of love. Quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service and physical touch. Learn to speak and understand the language of your partner, and in no time you will feel able to effectively love and truly love. skillful communication is at hand! Visit

Tags: Gary, D., Chapman, Relationship, Marriage, Divorce, Five, Love, Languages, Doctor, Dr, Counselor, Counseling, Family, Children, advice

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married

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Nice Design by :Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $5.65Date Created :Mar 18, 2011 10:12:16

"Most people spend far more time in preparation for their vocation than they do in preparation for marriage,” Dr. Gary Chapman


No wonder the divorce rate hovers around fifty percent.


Bestselling author and marriage counselor, Gary Chapman, hopes to change that with his newest book. Gary, with more than 35 years of counseling couples, believes that divorce is the lack of preparation for marriage and the failure to learn the skills of working together as intimate teammates.


So he put together this practical little book, packed with wisdom and tips that will help many develop the loving, supportive and mutually beneficial marriage men and women long for. It’s the type of information Gary himself wished he had before he got married.


This is not a book simply to be read. It is a book to be experienced. The material lends itself to heart-felt discussions by dating or engaged couples. To jump-start the exchanges, each short chapter includes insightful “Talking it Over” questions and suggestions. And, the book includes information on interactive websites as well as books that will enhance the couples experience.


Dr. Chapman even includes a thought-provoking appendix. By understanding and balancing the five key aspects of life, dating couples can experience a healthy dating relationship. A revealing learning exercise for dating couples is included at the end.


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Thursday, March 10, 2011

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts

!1: Now is the time The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts Order Today!

Nice Design by :Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $6.25Date Created :Mar 11, 2011 05:08:07

Marriage should be based on love, right? But does it seem as though you and your spouse are speaking two different languages? New York Times bestselling author Dr. Gary Chapman guides couples in identifying, understanding, and speaking their spouse’s primary love language—quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch.

By learning the five love languages, you and your spouse will discover your unique love languages and learn practical steps in truly loving each other. Chapters are categorized by love language for easy reference, and each one ends with specific, simple steps to express a specific language to your spouse and guide your marriage in the right direction. A newly designed love languages assessment will help you understand and strengthen your relationship. You can build a lasting, loving marriage together.

Gary Chapman hosts a nationally syndicated daily radio program called A Love Language Minute that can be heard on more than 150 radio stations as well as the weekly syndicated program Building Relationships with Gary Chapman, which can both be heard on

The Five Love Languages is a consistent new York Times bestseller - with over 5 million copies sold and translated into 38 languages.  This book is a sales phenomenon, with each year outselling the prior for 16 years running!

Includes a promotional code to gain exclusive online access to the new comprehensive love languages assessment.

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